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Hey Introverts, Let’s Inspire Your…

Growth with The Power of Poetry!


Hey you, I'm Aiege!

I’m the woman behind Aiegelesswords with over fifteen years of poetry writing experience under my belt (and my favorite pen in my purse). Welcome to my creative corner of the world.

I’m an avid lover of pasta, poetry, and the color purple. I also love cats, utilizing my creativity, and cooking. As an introvert, I use writing as my creative outlet but I am blooming beyond the page into the world of the spoken word. 

With this blog and with the power of poetry, I want to inspire introverted creatives to blossom from a quiet seed into the flower of their fullest potential.

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It all started with a poem about going to the store. It wasn't my best work but we all start somewhere.


I realized I had alot more to share. You never know what you can learn or who you can uplift.

Spoken Word

My newest endeavor that takes a shy introvert like me out of her shell. There is a blossoming coming.

Sometimes we don’t know what the heck we’re feeling until that pen hits paper. We get in the zone and suddenly we’re at the bottom of the page and the internal mess is external and a bit more organized than before. Most importantly, once we get it out, we realize we’re not alone or wrong for feeling what we feel. Sometimes that’s enough for the growth to start.

- Aiegelesswords


I Write

I write for release.
So the darkness can cease.
I write my wrongs to create inner peace.
I write to reflect.
To share and connect.
I write to break the silence and allow healing to take affect.

I love to Motivate with words that Captivate

We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.

- Robin Williams

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Bloom: Spoken Word

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